Published: 11/06/2024 | Author: Oriflame

It’s that time of the year again! Summer’s drawing to a close and your kids are heading back to the classroom. To ensure they’re at their healthiest and happiest, follow our most useful term-time tips!

Rest and recreation

Re-establishing routines after the summer holidays is essential. Perhaps bedtimes have gotten later over the break, but it’s important that children get nine hours sleep every night if they’re to have the mental and physical energy to perform well at school – they’ll be far happier too!
Start the day right
Parents will know the saying “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” and that’s particularly true for children. Kickstart your child's day with a nutritious breakfast including whole grains, fresh fruit, natural yoghurt, or egg. This will provide the fuel they need to focus in class and stay energised throughout the day.

Healthy snack breaks

Put a healthy spin on snack-time and swap out sugary snacks like crisps and cookies for something nutritious. Raw vegetable sticks dipped in hummus, an antioxidant-rich smoothie, or homemade popcorn will keep hunger pangs at bay and energy levels up.

Essential nutrition

Children should get the majority of their vitamins from their diet, but a daily multivitamin will ensure your child gets the nutrition they need to develop. Consider supplementing with Wellosophy Multivitamin & Mineral Kids that contain Vitamin A, C, and D for the immunity, calcium and magnesium for energy and muscles, Omega 3 for brainpower, and calcium for strong bones and teeth.

Establishing routines

Avoid first-day-at-school chaos by getting into the routine of going to bed on time and getting up early before term starts. Establishing consistent bedtime and morning routines will ease the transition back to school and will set your child up for success.

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